Friday, June 24, 2011

Some Explanations About Infinity

Some Explanations About Infinity

hello I would like make a slight explanation that any common student at least good at multiplication and division may digest.First of all if u divide 6 by 2 the result is 3 , how?
Actually its not division working there,but addition...mmmm...right?
come on...when u divide 6 by 3 , u r counting number of 3's to be added to get 2,right?
and its the result u got,that is 2.Therefor to get the resultant of any division just count the number of times u have to add the denominator,ready?
Now let us think about 1/0.If (1/0) = p , then u have to add "0" 'p' times to get 1,right? Now think, how many times u have to add 0 to get 1 ? The answer of this is known as 'infinity'.Similarly (2/0) is infinity as well.Infinity is noway comparable to any other numbers as like a drop of water of or a bucket of water will not rise the sea level...!!!
Therefor (anything/0) = infinity

Now whats about (0/0) ? if (0/0) = m , then u have to add "0" 'm' times to get o, right ? Now think , how many times u have to add 0 to get 0 ? the answer can be 1 , can be 2 , can be 3 , and so on and so forth.Therefor (0/0) can have many answers.That is (0/0) is not infinity but indeterminate....!!!

HOPE YOU UNDERSTOOD.......DON'T FORGET TO SEE ME AT "munsirak" on facebook.